Anal cancer

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Section editors
Neeta K. Venepalli, MD, MBA
Chicago, IL
Naina Singh.JPG
Naina Singh, MD
Chicago, IL
9 regimens on this page
13 variants on this page




Definitive chemoradiotherapy for locally advanced disease

Capecitabine, Mitomycin, RT

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Study Evidence
Glynne-Jones et al. 2008 Phase II


6-week course


  1. EXTRA: Glynne-Jones R, Meadows H, Wan S, Gollins S, Leslie M, Levine E, McDonald AC, Myint S, Samuel L, Sebag-Montefiore D; National Cancer Research Institute Anal Sub Group and Colorectal Clinical Oncology Group. EXTRA--a multicenter phase II study of chemoradiation using a 5 day per week oral regimen of capecitabine and intravenous mitomycin C in anal cancer. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2008 Sep 1;72(1):119-26. Epub 2008 May 9. link to original article contains protocol PubMed

Cisplatin, Fluorouracil, RT

Fluorouracil, cisplatin, radiation therapy for anal cancer

Fluorouracil, Mitomycin, RT

Fluorouracil, mitomycin, radiation therapy for anal cancer

Radiation therapy

Radiation therapy for anal cancer

Chemotherapy for metastatic disease

Cisplatin & Fluorouracil

Fluorouracil & cisplatin for anal cancer