Carboplatin, Pemetrexed, Pembrolizumab in advanced or metastatic non-small cell lung cancer

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Regimen in use at


Study Evidence ORR Comparator Efficacy
Langer et al. 2016 (KEYNOTE-021) Randomized Phase II 71% Carboplatin & Pemetrexed +/- pemetrexed maintenance Superior ORR


Supportive medications

21-day cycle for 4 cycles. Followed by pembolizumab +/- pemetrexed maintenance therapy


  1. Langer CJ, Gadgeel SM, Borghaei H, Papadimitrakopoulou VA, Patnaik A, Powell SF, Gentzler RD, Martins RG, Stevenson JP, Jalal SI, Panwalkar A, Yang JC, Gubens M, Sequist LV, Awad MM, Fiore J, Ge Y, Raftopoulos H, Gandhi L; KEYNOTE-021 investigators. Carboplatin and pemetrexed with or without pembrolizumab for advanced, non-squamous non-small-cell lung cancer: a randomised, phase 2 cohort of the open-label KEYNOTE-021 study. Lancet Oncol. 2016 Nov;17(11):1497-1508 link to original article contains verified protocol supplementary appendix; PubMed