Thyroid cancer, BRAF-mutated

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Note: these are regimens tested in biomarker-specific populations, please see the main thyroid cancer page for other regimens.

2 regimens on this page
2 variants on this page

Differentiated thyroid cancer, all lines of therapy

Vemurafenib monotherapy

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Study Evidence
Brose et al. 2016 (NO25530) Phase II

Note: this study was in patients with papillary thyroid cancer, only.

Targeted therapy

Continued indefinitely


  1. NO25530: Brose MS, Cabanillas ME, Cohen EE, Wirth LJ, Riehl T, Yue H, Sherman SI, Sherman EJ. Vemurafenib in patients with BRAF(V600E)-positive metastatic or unresectable papillary thyroid cancer refractory to radioactive iodine: a non-randomised, multicentre, open-label, phase 2 trial. Lancet Oncol. 2016 Sep;17(9):1272-82. Epub 2016 Jul 23. link to original article contains verified protocol link to PMC article PubMed

Anaplastic thyroid cancer, all lines of therapy

Dabrafenib & Trametinib

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FDA-recommended dose
Study Years of enrollment Evidence Efficacy
Subbiah et al. 2017 (BRF117019) 2014-2016 Phase II, <20 pts in subgroup (RT) ORR: 63% (95% CI, 35-85)

Patients in this subgroup had previously treated anaplastic thyroid cancer with BRAF p.V600E mutation.

Targeted therapy

Continued indefinitely


  1. BRF117019: Subbiah V, Kreitman RJ, Wainberg ZA, Cho JY, Schellens JHM, Soria JC, Wen PY, Zielinski C, Cabanillas ME, Urbanowitz G, Mookerjee B, Wang D, Rangwala F, Keam B. Dabrafenib and trametinib treatment in patients with locally advanced or metastatic BRAF V600-mutant anaplastic thyroid cancer. J Clin Oncol. 2018 Jan 1;36(1):7-13. Epub 2017 Oct 26. link to original article contains verified protocol link to PMC article PubMed