Mesna (Mesnex)

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General information

Class/mechanism: Detoxifying agent to reduce the risk of hemorrhagic cystitis with agents such as Ifosfamide (Ifex). Mesna is rapidly metabolized to mesna disulfide (dimesna), which remains intravascular and is rapidly processed by the kidneys, where it is converted back into mesna. Mesna binds to the urotoxic metabolites of ifosfamide, acrolein and 4-hydroxy-ifosfamide, limiting the risk of hemorrhagic cystitis. It has not been shown to interfere with antitumor efficacy.[1][2]
Route: IV, PO
Extravasation: no information

For conciseness and simplicity, currently will focus on treatment regimens and not list information such as: renal/hepatic dose adjustments, metabolism (including CYP450), excretion, monitoring parameters (although this will be considered for checklists), or manufacturer. Instead, for the most current information, please refer to your preferred pharmacopeias or the prescribing information.[1]

Patient drug information

History of changes in FDA indication

  • 1988-12-30: Initial FDA approval

Also known as

  • Brand names: Anti Uron, Mesa, Mesnex, Mesnil, Mestian, Mistabron, Mistabronco, Mitexan, Mucolene, Neper, Novacarel, Siruta, Uromes, Uromitexan, Uroprot, Varimesna
