Non-small cell lung cancer, ALK-positive

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Section editor
Travis Osterman, DO, MS
Nashville, TN

Twitter: TravisOsterman

Note: these are biomarker-specific regimens, please see the main NSCLC page for other regimens.

22 regimens on this page
27 variants on this page

Advanced or metastatic disease, ALK inhibitor-naive

Alectinib monotherapy

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Variant #1, 300 mg BID

Study Evidence Comparator Efficacy
Seto et al. 2013 (AF-001JP) Phase I/II
Hida et al. 2017 (J-ALEX) Phase III (E) Crizotinib Superior PFS

This is the PMDA-approved dose in Japan.


Continued indefinitely

Variant #2, 600 mg BID

FDA-recommended dose
Study Evidence Comparator Efficacy
Peters et al. 2017 (ALEX) Phase III (E) Crizotinib Superior PFS


Continued indefinitely


  1. AF-001JP: Seto T, Kiura K, Nishio M, Nakagawa K, Maemondo M, Inoue A, Hida T, Yamamoto N, Yoshioka H, Harada M, Ohe Y, Nogami N, Takeuchi K, Shimada T, Tanaka T, Tamura T. CH5424802 (RO5424802) for patients with ALK-rearranged advanced non-small-cell lung cancer (AF-001JP study): a single-arm, open-label, phase 1-2 study. Lancet Oncol. 2013 Jun;14(7):590-8. Epub 2013 Apr 30. link to original article contains verified protocol PubMed
    1. Update: Tamura T, Kiura K, Seto T, Nakagawa K, Maemondo M, Inoue A, Hida T, Yoshioka H, Harada M, Ohe Y, Nogami N, Murakami H, Kuriki H, Shimada T, Tanaka T, Takeuchi K, Nishio M. Three-year follow-up of an alectinib phase I/II study in ALK-positive non-small-cell lung cancer: AF-001JP. J Clin Oncol. 2017 May 10;35(14):1515-1521. Epub 2017 Mar 15. link to original article link to PMC article PubMed
  2. J-ALEX: Hida T, Nokihara H, Kondo M, Kim YH, Azuma K, Seto T, Takiguchi Y, Nishio M, Yoshioka H, Imamura F, Hotta K, Watanabe S, Goto K, Satouchi M, Kozuki T, Shukuya T, Nakagawa K, Mitsudomi T, Yamamoto N, Asakawa T, Asabe R, Tanaka T, Tamura T. Alectinib versus crizotinib in patients with ALK-positive non-small-cell lung cancer (J-ALEX): an open-label, randomised phase 3 trial. Lancet. 2017 Jul 1;390(10089):29-39. Epub 2017 May 10. link to original articlecontains protocolPubMed
    1. Subgroup analysis: Nishio M, Nakagawa K, Mitsudomi T, Yamamoto N, Tanaka T, Kuriki H, Zeaiter A, Tamura T. Analysis of central nervous system efficacy in the J-ALEX study of alectinib versus crizotinib in ALK-positive non-small-cell lung cancer. Lung Cancer. 2018 Jul;121:37-40. Epub 2018 Apr 17. link to SD article PubMed
  3. ALEX: Peters S, Camidge DR, Shaw AT, Gadgeel S, Ahn JS, Kim DW, Ou SI, Pérol M, Dziadziuszko R, Rosell R, Zeaiter A, Mitry E, Golding S, Balas B, Noe J, Morcos PN, Mok T; ALEX Trial Investigators. Alectinib versus crizotinib in untreated ALK-positive non-small-cell lung cancer. N Engl J Med. 2017 Aug 31;377(9):829-838. Epub 2017 Jun 6. link to original article contains verified protocol PubMed

Ceritinib monotherapy

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Variant #1, 450 mg/d with food

FDA-recommended dose
Study Evidence Comparator
Cho et al. 2017 (ASCEND-8) Randomized phase I Ceritinib 750 mg/d


Continued indefinitely

Variant #2, 750 mg/d fasting

Study Evidence Comparator Efficacy
Shaw et al. 2014 (ASCEND-1) Phase I, >20 pts in this dosing cohort
Soria et al. 2017 (ASCEND-4) Phase III (E) 1. Carboplatin & Pemetrexed
2. Cisplatin & Pemetrexed
Superior PFS
Cho et al. 2017 (ASCEND-8) Randomized phase I Ceritinib 450 mg/d Not reported


21-day cycles


  1. Phase I: Shaw AT, Kim DW, Mehra R, Tan DS, Felip E, Chow LQ, Camidge DR, Vansteenkiste J, Sharma S, De Pas T, Riely GJ, Solomon BJ, Wolf J, Thomas M, Schuler M, Liu G, Santoro A, Lau YY, Goldwasser M, Boral AL, Engelman JA. Ceritinib in ALK-rearranged non-small-cell lung cancer. N Engl J Med. 2014 Mar 27;370(13):1189-97. link to original article contains verified protocol link to PMC article PubMed
    1. Update: Kim DW, Mehra R, Tan DSW, Felip E, Chow LQM, Camidge DR, Vansteenkiste J, Sharma S, De Pas T, Riely GJ, Solomon BJ, Wolf J, Thomas M, Schuler M, Liu G, Santoro A, Sutradhar S, Li S, Szczudlo T, Yovine A, Shaw AT. Activity and safety of ceritinib in patients with ALK-rearranged non-small-cell lung cancer (ASCEND-1): updated results from the multicentre, open-label, phase 1 trial. Lancet Oncol. 2016 Apr;17(4):452-463. Epub 2016 Mar 11. link to original article link to PMC article PubMed
  2. ASCEND-4: Soria JC, Tan DS, Chiari R, Wu YL, Paz-Ares L, Wolf J, Geater SL, Orlov S, Cortinovis D, Yu CJ, Hochmair M, Cortot AB, Tsai CM, Moro-Sibilot D, Campelo RG, McCulloch T, Sen P, Dugan M, Pantano S, Branle F, Massacesi C, de Castro G Jr. First-line ceritinib versus platinum-based chemotherapy in advanced ALK-rearranged non-small-cell lung cancer (ASCEND-4): a randomised, open-label, phase 3 study. Lancet. 2017 Mar 4;389(10072):917-929. Epub 2017 Jan 24. link to original article contains protocol PubMed
  3. ASCEND-8: Cho BC, Kim DW, Bearz A, Laurie SA, McKeage M, Borra G, Park K, Kim SW, Ghosn M, Ardizzoni A, Maiello E, Greystoke A, Yu R, Osborne K, Gu W, Scott JW, Passos VQ, Lau YY, Wrona A. ASCEND-8: a randomized phase 1 study of ceritinib, 450 mg or 600 mg, taken with a low-fat meal versus 750 mg in fasted state in patients with anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK)-rearranged metastatic non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). J Thorac Oncol. 2017 Sep;12(9):1357-1367. Epub 2017 Jul 17. link to original article contains protocol PubMed

Crizotinib monotherapy

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Variant #1, standard-dose

FDA-recommended dose
Study Evidence Comparator Efficacy
Kwak et al. 2010 Phase I/II ORR: 57%
Shaw et al. 2013 (PROFILE 1007) Phase III (E) 1. Pemetrexed Superior PFS
2. Docetaxel Superior PFS
Solomon et al. 2014 (PROFILE 1014) Phase III (E) 1. Carboplatin & Pemetrexed
2. Cisplatin & Pemetrexed
Superior PFS
Hida et al. 2017 (J-ALEX) Phase III (C) Alectinib Inferior PFS
Peters et al. 2017 (ALEX) Phase III (C) Alectinib Inferior PFS

Note: PROFILE 1007 used 21-day cycles, and crizotinib was similarly given 250 mg PO BID on all days.


28-day cycles

Variant #2, 200 mg BID

FDA-recommended dose

Note: this is the FDA-recommended dosing for "moderate" hepatic impairment.


Continued indefinitely

Variant #3, 250 mg/d

FDA-recommended dose

Note: this is the FDA-recommended dosing for "severe" hepatic or renal impairment.


Continued indefinitely


  1. Kwak EL, Bang YJ, Camidge DR, Shaw AT, Solomon B, Maki RG, Ou SH, Dezube BJ, Jänne PA, Costa DB, Varella-Garcia M, Kim WH, Lynch TJ, Fidias P, Stubbs H, Engelman JA, Sequist LV, Tan W, Gandhi L, Mino-Kenudson M, Wei GC, Shreeve SM, Ratain MJ, Settleman J, Christensen JG, Haber DA, Wilner K, Salgia R, Shapiro GI, Clark JW, Iafrate AJ. Anaplastic lymphoma kinase inhibition in non-small-cell lung cancer. N Engl J Med. 2010 Oct 28;363(18):1693-703. link to original article contains verified protocol link to PMC article PubMed
    1. Update: Camidge DR, Bang YJ, Kwak EL, Iafrate AJ, Varella-Garcia M, Fox SB, Riely GJ, Solomon B, Ou SH, Kim DW, Salgia R, Fidias P, Engelman JA, Gandhi L, Jänne PA, Costa DB, Shapiro GI, Lorusso P, Ruffner K, Stephenson P, Tang Y, Wilner K, Clark JW, Shaw AT. Activity and safety of crizotinib in patients with ALK-positive non-small-cell lung cancer: updated results from a phase 1 study. Lancet Oncol. 2012 Oct;13(10):1011-9. Epub 2012 Sep 4. link to original article contains verified protocol link to PMC article PubMed
  2. Retrospective: Shaw AT, Yeap BY, Solomon BJ, Riely GJ, Gainor J, Engelman JA, Shapiro GI, Costa DB, Ou SH, Butaney M, Salgia R, Maki RG, Varella-Garcia M, Doebele RC, Bang YJ, Kulig K, Selaru P, Tang Y, Wilner KD, Kwak EL, Clark JW, Iafrate AJ, Camidge DR. Effect of crizotinib on overall survival in patients with advanced non-small-cell lung cancer harbouring ALK gene rearrangement: a retrospective analysis. Lancet Oncol. 2011 Oct;12(11):1004-12. Epub 2011 Sep 18. link to original article link to PMC article PubMed
  3. PROFILE 1007: Shaw AT, Kim DW, Nakagawa K, Seto T, Crinó L, Ahn MJ, De Pas T, Besse B, Solomon BJ, Blackhall F, Wu YL, Thomas M, O'Byrne KJ, Moro-Sibilot D, Camidge DR, Mok T, Hirsh V, Riely GJ, Iyer S, Tassell V, Polli A, Wilner KD, Jänne PA. Crizotinib versus chemotherapy in advanced ALK-positive lung cancer. N Engl J Med. 2013 Jun 20;368(25):2385-94. Epub 2013 Jun 1. link to original article link to supplementary appendix contains verified protocol PubMed
  4. PROFILE 1014: Solomon BJ, Mok T, Kim DW, Wu YL, Nakagawa K, Mekhail T, Felip E, Cappuzzo F, Paolini J, Usari T, Iyer S, Reisman A, Wilner KD, Tursi J, Blackhall F; PROFILE 1014 Investigators. First-line crizotinib versus chemotherapy in ALK-positive lung cancer. N Engl J Med. 2014 Dec 4;371(23):2167-77. Erratum in: N Engl J Med. 2015 Oct 15;373(16):1582. link to original article contains verified protocol PubMed
    1. Supgroup analysis: Solomon BJ, Cappuzzo F, Felip E, Blackhall FH, Costa DB, Kim DW, Nakagawa K, Wu YL, Mekhail T, Paolini J, Tursi J, Usari T, Wilner KD, Selaru P, Mok TS. Intracranial efficacy of crizotinib versus chemotherapy in patients with advanced ALK-positive non-small-cell lung cancer: results from PROFILE 1014. J Clin Oncol. 2016 Aug 20;34(24):2858-65. Epub 2016 Mar 28. link to original article PubMed
    2. Update: Solomon BJ, Kim DW, Wu YL, Nakagawa K, Mekhail T, Felip E, Cappuzzo F, Paolini J, Usari T, Tang Y, Wilner KD, Blackhall F, Mok TS. Final overall survival analysis from a study comparing first-line crizotinib versus chemotherapy in ALK-mutation-positive non-small-cell lung cancer. J Clin Oncol. 2018 Aug 1;36(22):2251-2258. Epub 2018 May 16. link to original article PubMed
  5. J-ALEX: Hida T, Nokihara H, Kondo M, Kim YH, Azuma K, Seto T, Takiguchi Y, Nishio M, Yoshioka H, Imamura F, Hotta K, Watanabe S, Goto K, Satouchi M, Kozuki T, Shukuya T, Nakagawa K, Mitsudomi T, Yamamoto N, Asakawa T, Asabe R, Tanaka T, Tamura T. Alectinib versus crizotinib in patients with ALK-positive non-small-cell lung cancer (J-ALEX): an open-label, randomised phase 3 trial. Lancet. 2017 Jul 1;390(10089):29-39. Epub 2017 May 10. link to original articlecontains protocolPubMed
    1. Subgroup analysis: Nishio M, Nakagawa K, Mitsudomi T, Yamamoto N, Tanaka T, Kuriki H, Zeaiter A, Tamura T. Analysis of central nervous system efficacy in the J-ALEX study of alectinib versus crizotinib in ALK-positive non-small-cell lung cancer. Lung Cancer. 2018 Jul;121:37-40. Epub 2018 Apr 17. link to SD article PubMed
  6. ALEX: Peters S, Camidge DR, Shaw AT, Gadgeel S, Ahn JS, Kim DW, Ou SI, Pérol M, Dziadziuszko R, Rosell R, Zeaiter A, Mitry E, Golding S, Balas B, Noe J, Morcos PN, Mok T; ALEX Trial Investigators. Alectinib versus crizotinib in untreated ALK-positive non-small-cell lung cancer. N Engl J Med. 2017 Aug 31;377(9):829-838. Epub 2017 Jun 6. link to original article contains verified protocol PubMed

Advanced or metastatic disease, ALK inhibitor-exposed

Alectinib monotherapy

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FDA-recommended dose
Study Evidence Comparator Efficacy
Ou et al. 2015 (NP28673) Phase II ORR: 50% (95% CI, 41-59)
Shaw et al. 2015 (NP28761) Phase II ORR: 48% (95% CI, 36–60)
Novello et al. 2018 (ALUR) Phase III (E) Docetaxel
Superior PFS


Continued indefinitely


  1. NP28673: Ou SI, Ahn JS, De Petris L, Govindan R, Yang JC, Hughes B, Lena H, Moro-Sibilot D, Bearz A, Ramirez SV, Mekhail T, Spira A, Bordogna W, Balas B, Morcos PN, Monnet A, Zeaiter A, Kim DW. Alectinib in crizotinib-refractory ALK-rearranged non-small-cell lung cancer: A phase II global study. J Clin Oncol. 2015 Nov 23. link to original article contains verified protocol PubMed
  2. NP28761: Shaw AT, Gandhi L, Gadgeel S, Riely GJ, Cetnar J, West H, Camidge DR, Socinski MA, Chiappori A, Mekhail T, Chao BH, Borghaei H, Gold KA, Zeaiter A, Bordogna W, Balas B, Puig O, Henschel V, Ou SI; study investigators. Alectinib in ALK-positive, crizotinib-resistant, non-small-cell lung cancer: a single-group, multicentre, phase 2 trial. Lancet Oncol. 2016 Feb;17(2):234-242. Epub 2015 Dec 19. link to original article link to PMC article contains protocol PubMed
  3. ALUR: Novello S, Mazières J, Oh IJ, de Castro J, Migliorino MR, Helland Å, Dziadziuszko R, Griesinger F, Kotb A, Zeaiter A, Cardona A, Balas B, Johannsdottir HK, Das-Gupta A, Wolf J. Alectinib versus chemotherapy in crizotinib-pretreated anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK)-positive non-small-cell lung cancer: results from the phase III ALUR study. Ann Oncol. 2018 Jun 1;29(6):1409-1416. link to original article link to PMC article contains protocol PubMed

Brigatinib monotherapy

Brigatinib (Alunbrig) for advanced or metastatic ALK-positive non-small cell lung cancer

Ceritinib monotherapy

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Variant #1, 450 mg/d with food

FDA-recommended dose
Study Evidence Comparator
Cho et al. 2017 (ASCEND-8) Randomized phase I Ceritinib 750 mg/d


Continued indefinitely

Variant #2, 750 mg/d fasting

Study Evidence Comparator Efficacy
Shaw et al. 2014 (ASCEND-1) Phase I, >20 pts in this dosing cohort
Shaw et al. 2017 (ASCEND-5) Phase III (E) 1. Docetaxel
2. Pemetrexed
Superior PFS
Cho et al. 2017 (ASCEND-8) Randomized phase I Ceritinib 450 mg/d Not reported


21-day cycles


  1. Phase I: Shaw AT, Kim DW, Mehra R, Tan DS, Felip E, Chow LQ, Camidge DR, Vansteenkiste J, Sharma S, De Pas T, Riely GJ, Solomon BJ, Wolf J, Thomas M, Schuler M, Liu G, Santoro A, Lau YY, Goldwasser M, Boral AL, Engelman JA. Ceritinib in ALK-rearranged non-small-cell lung cancer. N Engl J Med. 2014 Mar 27;370(13):1189-97. link to original article contains verified protocol link to PMC article PubMed
    1. Update: Kim DW, Mehra R, Tan DSW, Felip E, Chow LQM, Camidge DR, Vansteenkiste J, Sharma S, De Pas T, Riely GJ, Solomon BJ, Wolf J, Thomas M, Schuler M, Liu G, Santoro A, Sutradhar S, Li S, Szczudlo T, Yovine A, Shaw AT. Activity and safety of ceritinib in patients with ALK-rearranged non-small-cell lung cancer (ASCEND-1): updated results from the multicentre, open-label, phase 1 trial. Lancet Oncol. 2016 Apr;17(4):452-463. Epub 2016 Mar 11. link to original article link to PMC article PubMed
  2. ASCEND-5: Shaw AT, Kim TM, Crinò L, Gridelli C, Kiura K, Liu G, Novello S, Bearz A, Gautschi O, Mok T, Nishio M, Scagliotti G, Spigel DR, Deudon S, Zheng C, Pantano S, Urban P, Massacesi C, Viraswami-Appanna K, Felip E. Ceritinib versus chemotherapy in patients with ALK-rearranged non-small-cell lung cancer previously given chemotherapy and crizotinib (ASCEND-5): a randomised, controlled, open-label, phase 3 trial. Lancet Oncol. 2017 Jul;18(7):874-886. Epub 2017 Jun 9. link to original articlecontains protocolPubMed
  3. ASCEND-8: Cho BC, Kim DW, Bearz A, Laurie SA, McKeage M, Borra G, Park K, Kim SW, Ghosn M, Ardizzoni A, Maiello E, Greystoke A, Yu R, Osborne K, Gu W, Scott JW, Passos VQ, Lau YY, Wrona A. ASCEND-8: a randomized phase 1 study of ceritinib, 450 mg or 600 mg, taken with a low-fat meal versus 750 mg in fasted state in patients with anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK)-rearranged metastatic non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). J Thorac Oncol. 2017 Sep;12(9):1357-1367. Epub 2017 Jul 17. link to original article contains protocol PubMed