Zinpentraxin alfa (PRM-151)
General information
Class/mechanism per NCI Drug Dictionary: A fully recombinant form of the human pentraxin 2 (PTX2) protein with potential antifibrotic activity. Upon intravenous administration, recombinant human serum amyloid P/pentraxin 2 (PRM-151) may inhibit myofibroblast generation by preventing the differentiation of circulating monocytes into fibrocytes and profibrotic macrophages. PTX2 is a circulating plasma protein that belongs to the class of pattern recognition receptors (PRR) of the innate immune system.
Route: IV
Extravasation: n/a
Preliminary data
Note: This is not meant to be an exhaustive list of preliminary results. References included in this section include non-randomized studies published in high-profile journals (e.g., NEJM) and experimental arms of phase 3 RCTs. Inclusion here is not an indication of impending regulatory approval, although many of these drugs do end up receiving approval by a regulatory authority.
Also known as
- Code name: PRM-151