Betrixaban (Bevyxxa)
General information
Class/mechanism: Direct factor Xa inhibitor. By inhibiting free and clotbound factor Xa in the coagulation cascade, betrixaban inhibits prothrombinase activity, the conversion of prothrombin to thrombin, and the subsequent conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin. It does not need antithrombin III to exert its antithrombotic activity.[1][2]
Route: PO
Extravasation: n/a
For conciseness and simplicity, currently will focus on treatment regimens and not list information such as: renal/hepatic dose adjustments, metabolism (including CYP450), excretion, monitoring parameters (although this will be considered for checklists), or manufacturer. Instead, for the most current information, please refer to your preferred pharmacopeias or the prescribing information.
Diseases for which it is used
Patient drug information
History of changes in FDA indication
- 2017-06-23: FDA approved for the prophylaxis of venous thromboembolism (VTE) in adult patients hospitalized for an acute medical illness who are at risk for thromboembolic complications due to moderate or severe restricted mobility and other risk factors for VTE.
Also known as
- Code name: PRT-054021
- Brand name: Bevyxxa