How I Treat

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The "How I Treat" series has been published by Blood for several decades and covers a wide variety of topics in malignant and classical hematology. While these articles are not considered to be formal guidelines, they are considered high-level expert opinion. They cover topics ranging from commonly encountered hematologic conditions with a large evidence base, to very rare conditions with only case reports to guide treatment. The purpose of this page is to consolidate the links to all known published How I Treat articles.

Articles are presented by condition, in reverse chronological order. Given the rapid change in evidence in many areas of hematology, readers are encouraged to consider any article published 5+ years ago to be for historical purposes, only.

Note: this page is currently under construction.

Malignant hematology

Acute lymphoblastic leukemia

Acute myeloid leukemia

Chronic myeloid leukemia

Myelodysplatic syndrome

Polycythemia vera

Classical hematology

Complications of treatment