NK- and T-cell lymphoma - historical

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The purpose of this page is to provide references to regimens that are obsolete, outdated, or of historical interest only. As a general rule, this includes the inferior arm(s) of a randomized study, unless said regimens continue to be recommended by trustworthy sources such as the NCCN Guidelines. Is there a regimen missing from this list? See the main NKTCL page for current regimens.

1 regimens on this page
1 variants on this page

Relapsed or refractory

Pembrolizumab monotherapy


Study Evidence
Kwong et al. 2017 Case series

Note: prospective trials are underway.


21-day cycles


  1. Kwong YL, Chan TSY, Tan D, Kim SJ, Poon LM, Mow B, Khong PL, Loong F, Au-Yeung R, Iqbal J, Phipps C, Tse E. PD1 blockade with pembrolizumab is highly effective in relapsed or refractory NK/T-cell lymphoma failing l-asparaginase. Blood. 2017 Apr 27;129(17):2437-2442. Epub 2017 Feb 10. link to original article PubMed