Conflict of interest

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Revision as of 23:18, 15 September 2018 by Jwarner (talk | contribs)
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With the September 2018 expose in the New York Times on Jose Baselga, a leader in the field of breast oncology and medical oncology as a whole, public awareness of financial conflicts of interest in hematology/oncology is on the rise. Financial and other conflicts of interest are not new to biomedicine but can certainly diminish trust in the profession. We plan to develop this page as an archive of lay media and peer-reviewed literature covering the topic; it will be expanded over time.

Jose Baselga controversy

What we are doing was founded with the goal of creating a freely available, comprehensive, centralized repository of chemotherapy drug and treatment regimens. From the beginning, our philosophy has been to remain ad-free, revenue-neutral, and an international community resource without paywalls or registration requirements. In the interests of transparency, we will be adding financial conflict of interest disclosures to our Editorial Board page. If you have other thoughts about how we can maximize transparency, please contact us at [email protected].