Links to companies with oncology-specific products

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This is page links to various oncology-specific vendors. The majority of these vendors are for-profit entities; when a vendor is not-for-profit or open source, this will be noted. Please note that inclusion on this page is not an explicit or implicit endorsement of that vendor or their products. Also, this page is not a current priority and you may find links to be outdated or broken.

Clinical oncology EMR products

Laboratory (LIS) systems

Natural language processing (NLP) and analytics vendors

Pathway vendors

Personalized somatic mutation testing

Personalized germline genetic testing


  • FHIR® at FHIR – Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources; standards framework created by HL7


  • BRIDG Project Biomedical Research Integrated Domain Group (BRIDG) Model; structured information, relational database
  • CancerLinQ ASCO's rapid learning system
  • ORIEN Oncology Research Information Exchange Network
  • Velos Software vendor with multiple products, such as for clinical research and outcomes reporting.