COVID-19 coronavirus patient experiences

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Please visit the main COVID-19 coronavirus and cancer page here.


  • "A thread about what I observed in Chinese society, and what you should be mentally prepared for" (Twitter @tony_zy, 3/6/2020)
  • "A regular person’s journey on Douban. In the past few weeks I’ve witnessed hundreds if not thousands of tragedies unfolding before my eyes" (Twitter @tony_zy, 2/8/2020)

United Kingdom

  • "The anorexia is profound. It has taken 5kg off me, fortunately I can take that but I'm utterly knackered." (Twitter @Doctor_IMF, 3/16/2020)
  • "Shivers and sweats were the story of the day. That and being utterly exhausted, with whole-body ache. Random temp: 38.5. One flight of stairs then stop for a rest. No appetite at all." (Twitter @GoughCJ, 3/16/2020)
  • "D9: Feeling much better today. No headache. No cough. Exhaustion much improved. Appetite pretty much normal. I am 95% back to normal." (Twitter @GoughCJ, 3/19/2020)
  • "Every swallow brings tears to your eyes, it’s just so painful.... I was surprised it completely poleaxed me. I could barely move from the sofa to the bed.” Dr. Ben Lovell as told to the Standard, 3/20/2020
  • "post-Covid19 I have completely lost my sense of smell, and most of my sense of taste. It’s astonishing. My cup of tea tastes like hot water. Can’t smell my aftershave." (Twitter @DrBenLovell 3/23/2020)

United States

  • "The last one week, it has been hell." (Twitter @pulte, 3/8/2020)
    • Update: "“After I received the first dose, my fever went down and all the lab result is getting better,” Cai said. “I think those two medications slow down my virus. I took those two medications for four days and March 11 is the day I got the clinical trial medications. After that medication for one day, all my symptoms getting better. My oxygen level is not dropping anymore.” (3/16/2020 CBS New York)
  • "My boyfriend and I have self-quarantined ourselves in our apartment since Feb. 23rd." (Twitter @microbeminded2, 3/9/2020)
  • "Basically had a low grade fever for a few days then a bad cough, that turned into respiratory failure. I came in and they had to put me on high flow oxygen (3 times normal)...hence ICU.... I was the first COVID19 patient in the ICU on Thursday. Now there are many more." (Twitter @ClementYChow, 3/15/2020)
  • "for those who get severe cases, like me, it’s been hell. I’ve had 10 days & counting, with no real improvement, of fever, fatigue, joint aches, chills, cough, respiratory difficulty. I have never been this sick in my entire life." (Twitter @DavidLat 3/17/2020)
  • "Never in my life have I been this ill. “Young people aren’t at risk, they’ll only have mild symptoms” Wrong." (Twitter @bradleyziffer 3/19/2020)
  • "I m a Cardiology fellow, NY, no PMH, fighting COVID infection 4 a week. Fevers, cough -> wheezing/SOB, on Hydroxychloroquine+Azithromycin, got worse on 2nd day of it, now in MICU. Got iv Tocilizumab, hoping to improve" (Twitter @jigneshpatelMD, 3/21/2020)
  • "The resident did not have ANY of the classic symptoms of fever, cough or rhinorrhea. Instead, the resident had headache, muscle aches, sore throat, and chest tightness. The symptoms were all mild, vague, and could have been easily ignored. It is imperative that clinicians on the front line continue to be vigilant and advocate for expanded testing." (Twitter @davidhaomd, 3/21/2020)


  • "Day 1 after #COVID diagnosis. Sore throat, headache (strong!), Dry cough but not shortness of breath." (Twitter @yaletung 3/9/2020). Day 2. Day 3. Day 4: "More cough & tiredness (very badly), still no dyspnea/chest pain." Day 5. Day 6. Day 7: "Cough & weakness got worse (again), still no dyspnea." Day 8: "Less Cough & similar weakness, still no dyspnea or red flag symptoms. No fever. SpO2 96%.... On paracetamol + HCQ." Day 9. Day 10. Day 11 "Less tired & cough, unable to endure small efforts." Day 12.