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From - A Hematology Oncology Wiki
Revision as of 06:31, 30 May 2012 by Dryang (talk | contribs)
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Hello and thank you for joining!

You are one step away from being able to write in this shared online notebook for hematology/oncology providers! On this website, users can actively make changes as contributors, and we hope that you will find that by working together on a shared reference, we can create a resource far more useful than any other website or reference text available.

For the integrity of the information on this site, accounts need to be approved manually before they can edit articles. To have the ability to edit activated on your account, please send a short email to [email protected] describing who you are, your hematology/oncology experience (that is, your stage of training and whether are you a physician, nurse, or other provider), and--optionally, if you know--what you hope to add to the site.

Best wishes, -The team