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275.02 Hemochromatosis, due to repeated red blood cell transfusions<br>
275.02 Hemochromatosis, due to repeated red blood cell transfusions<br>
275.03 Hemochromatosis, other<br>
275.03 Hemochromatosis, other<br>
289.84 Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia +/- thrombosis (HIT)
553.3 Hernia, hiatal<br>
553.3 Hernia, hiatal<br>
042 HIV disease/AIDS<br>
042 HIV disease/AIDS<br>

Revision as of 19:32, 26 October 2012

This is not meant to be an exhaustive list of ICD-9 codes; rather, its purpose is to be a general yet inclusive enough list for general hematology/oncology use. That is, when one needs to find an ICD-9 to justify a lab test, diagnostic study, or medication, this should generally be sufficient. I suggest you use this is by using the search function in your web browser (for example, by pressing Ctrl + F) and typing in the general term you're looking for, such as anemia.

Oncology, solid tumor cancer diagnoses

195.2 Abdominal cavity
173.5 Abdominal wall (skin)
154.3 Anus (anal)
156.9 Biliary tract (cholangiocarcinoma), unspecified site
188.9 Bladder, unspecified site
233.7 Bladder, in situ
191.9 Brain, unspecified site
174.9 Breast, female, unspecified site
233.0 Breast, in situ (DCIS)
175.9 Breast, male, unspecified site
162.9 Bronchus, unspecified site
180.9 Cervix (cervival), unspecified site
233.1 Cervix uteri, in situ
170.9 Chondrosarcoma
153.9 Colon (colorectal), unspecified site
182.0 Endometrium (endometrial)
150.9 Esophagus (esophageal), unspecified site
170.9 Ewing's sarcoma
159.9 Gastrointestinal tract, unspecified site
184.9 Genital, female, unspecified site
187.9 Genital, male, unspecified site
153.9 Intestine (bowel), large, unspecified site
152.9 Intestine (bowel), small, unspecified site
176.9 Kaposi's Sarcoma, unspecified site
189.0 Kidney (renal)
155.0 Liver (hepatocellular), primary
155.2 Liver, not specified as primary or secondary
162.9 Lung (adenocarcinoma/squamous cell carcinoma), unspecified site
145.9 Mouth, unspecified site
147.9 Nasopharynx, unspecified site
170.9 Osteosarcoma
183.0 Ovary (ovarian)
157.9 Pancreas (pancreatic), unspecified part
163.8 Pleura/contiguous sites
185 Prostate
233.4 Prostate, in situ
154.1 Rectum
158.0 Retroperitoneum
171.9 Rhabdosarcoma
142.9 Salivary gland, unspecified site
171.9 Sarcoma, connective or soft tissue
172.9 Skin, melanoma, unspecified site
173.9 Skin, unspecified malignancy, unspecified site
151.9 Stomach, unspecified site
186.9 Testis (testicular), unspecified site
195.1 Thorax
193 Thyroid
141.9 Tongue, unspecified site
199.1 Unknown primary
179 Uterus (uterine), unspecified site

Oncology, hematologic diagnoses

Leukemia & multiple myeloma

207.00 Acute erythremia & erythroleukemia
207.00 Acute lymphoid leukemia (ALL)
206.00 Acute monocytic leukemia
205.00 Acyte myeloid leukemia (AML)
208.00 Acute leukemia, unspecified
208.10 Chronic leukemia, unspecified
204.10 Chronic lymphoid leukemia (CLL)
206.10 Chronic monocytic leukemia
205.10 Chronic myeloid leukemia (CML)
202.40 Hairy cell leukemia
207.20 Megakaryocytic leukemia
203.00 Multiple myeloma (MM)
203.10 Plasma cell leukemia


200.20 Burkitt's lymphoma, unspecified site
202.30 Histiocytosis, malignant, unspecified site
201.90 Hodgkin lymphoma, unspecified site
201.10 Hodgkin granuloma, unspecified site
201.00 Hodgkin's paragranuloma, unspecified site
201.20 Hodgkin's sarcoma, unspecified site
201.70 Lymphocytic depletion, unspecified site
201.40 Lymphocytic-histiocytic predominance, unspecified site
202.80 Lymphoma, other, unspecified site
200.10 Lymphosarcoma, unspecified site
202.60 Mast cell tumor, malignant, unspecified site
201.60 Mixed cellularity, unspecified site
202.10 Mycosis fungoides
202.00 Nodular lymphoma, unspecified site
201.50 Nodular sclerosis, unspecified site
200.00 Reticulosarcoma, unspecified site
202.20 Sezary's disease, unspecified site

Bone marrow transplant

V42.81 Bone marrow replaced by transplant (post-transplant)
996.85 Complications bone marrow transplant (e.g graft vs. host)
V59.3 Donor, bone marrow
V59.02 Donor, blood stem cells
V42.82 Peripheral stem cells replaced by transplant (post-transplant)

Benign hematology

286.7 Acquired coagulation factor deficiency (coagulopathy)
285.9 Anemia, unspecified
284.9 Aplastic anemia, unspecified
285.21 Anemia in end-stage renal disease (ESRD)
285.22 Anemia in neoplastic disease
285.29 Anemia on other chronic disease
286.9 Coagulation defects (coagulopathy), unspecified
289.81 Factor V leiden mutation
281.2 Folate-deficiency anemia
283.9 Hemolytic anemia, acquired, unspecified
283.0 Hemolytic anemia, autoimmune
282.9 Hemolytic anemia, hereditary, unspecified
283.19 Hemolytic anemia, non-autoimmune
286.0 Hemophilia A, congenital factor VIII disorder
286.1 Hemophilia B, congenital factor IX disorder
289.89 Hypercoagulable state, unspecified
289.89 Hypergammaglobulinemia
280.9 Iron deficiency anemia, unspecified
V58.61 Long-term (current) use of anticoagulants (warfarin/Coumadin)
289.81 Lupus anticoagulation
238.75 Myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS)
238.7 Myelosclerosis with myeloid metaplasia
289.89 Other specified diseases of blood and blood-forming organs
281.0 Pernicious anemia
238.4 Polycythemia vera (P. vera/PV)
289.0 Polycythemia, secondary
289.81 Protein C deficiency
289.81 Protein S deficiency
289.81 Prothrombin gene mutation
284.81 Red cell aplasia, acquired
284.9 Refractory anemia, unspecified
281.3 Refractory megaloblastic anemia
285.0 Refractory sideroblastic anemia
286.5 Secondary hypercoagulable state
282.6 Sickle-cell anemia, unspecified
282.40 Thalassemia without crisis
287.33 Thrombocytopenia purpura, congenital
287.31 Thrombocytopenia purpura, immune (ITP)
287.32 Thrombocytopenia, Evans syndrome
287.39 Thrombocytopenia, primary, unspecified
287.4 Thrombocytopenia, secondary
287.5 Thrombocytopenia, unspecified
238.71 Thrombocythemia, essential 289.9 Thrombocytosis (unspecified diseases of blood and blood forming organs)
281.1 Vitamin B12 deficiency anemia, other
286.4 von Willebrand's disease

Non-oncology diagnoses, symptoms

783.0 Anorexia
795.79 Antiphospholipid syndrome
445.89 Artheroembolism, unspecified
716.90 Arthritis, unspecified site
789.51 Ascites, malignant
789.59 Ascites, other
117.3 Aspergillus
493.90 Asthma, unspecified
790.7 Bacteremia
516.8 BOOP (Bronchiolitis obliterans, organizing pneumonia)
466.0 Bronchitis, acute
782.7 Bruising, spontaneous
112.9 Candidiasis
790.92 Coagulation profile (coagulopathy), abnormal
428.0 Congestive heart failure, unspecified type
078.5 + 790.8 CMV viremia (both codes required)
460 Cold (acute nasopharyngitis)
564.00 Constipation
786.2 Cough
585.9 Chronic renal failure (chronic kidney disease/CKD)
276.51 Dehydration
250.00 Diabetes mellitus, type 2 or unspecified
787.91 Diarrhea
453.9 Deep vein thrombosis (DVT), unspecified site
787.20 Dysphagia, unspecified
787.21 Dysphagia, oral phase
787.22 Dysphagia, pharyngeal phase
786.09 Dyspnea
782.3 Edema
530.10 Esophagitis
783.7 Failure to thrive
780.79 Fatigue
780.60 Fever, unspecified
276.9 Fluid/electrolyte imbalance
780.62 Postprocedural fever
780.63 Postvaccination fever
780.64 Chills (without fever)
530.81 Gastroesophageal reflux (GERD)
784.0 Headache
275.01 Hemochromatosis, hereditary
275.02 Hemochromatosis, due to repeated red blood cell transfusions
275.03 Hemochromatosis, other
289.84 Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia +/- thrombosis (HIT) 553.3 Hernia, hiatal
042 HIV disease/AIDS
275.42 Hypercalcemia
289.89 Hypergammaglobulinemia
790.6 Hyperglycemia
780.8 Hyperhidrosis
276.0 Hypernatremia
611.1 Hyperplasia/hypertrophy of the breast
276.0 Hyperkalemia
401.9 Hypertension
242.90 Hyperthyrodism, unspecified
275.41 Hypocalcemia
279.00 Hypogammaglobulinemia
251.2 Hypoglycemia
276.1 Hyponatremia
276.8 Hypokalemia
258.0 Hypotension, orthostatic
244.9 Hypothyroidism
996.62 Infection, vascular device/implant
782.4 Jaundice
V58.69 Long-term (current) use of other medications
785.6 Lymphadenopathy
273.1 Monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS)
288.03 Mucositis (Agranulocytosis)
340 Multiple sclerosis (MS)
117.9 Mycosis
787.02 Nausea only
787.01 Nausea and vomiting
288.0 Neutropenia
715.90 Osteoarthritis, unspecified site
733.90 Osteopenia
733.00 Osteoporosis, unspecified site
567.9 Peritonitis
782.7 Petechiae
136.3 Pneumocystis
482.9 Pneumonia, bacterial unspecified
486 Pneumonia, organism unspecified
480.9 Pneumonia, viral
990 + 348.89 Radiation necrosis of the brain
415.19 Pulmonary embolism (PE)
782.1 Rash
780.99 Rigors
780.39 Seizure disorder, unspecified
786.05 Shortness of breath (dyspnea)
780.50 Sleep disturbance
789.2 Splenomegaly
289.51 Splenomegaly, chronic
528.00 Stomatitis
434.00 Thrombosis, cerebral
444.9 Thrombosis and embolism, arterial
599.0 Urinary tract infection (UTI)
732.1 Waldenstrom's disease
273.3 Waldenstrom's syndrome
780.79 Weakness

ICD-9 codes are in the public domain
Wikipedia list of ICD-9 codes